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After two and a half years, this is all I have to offer you guys. I feel so embarrassed about the design. I subconsciously created a CMYK layout, and I am absolutely against a CMYK theme...It's so tacky. Well, looky here. Who's tacky now? GCM, what have you done to me? I don't know what I was on when I thought this was actually good.
I'll change it when I find the time to. I didn't realized that it was a CMYK themed site till after it was all coded and uploaded.
On a darker note, my program's job fair was held a couple of days ago. Sigh...that was not fun at all. I was a mess. Where can I buy a recession proof vest? Ay needz it.
MSG to MO: No, I have never heard of the event before, seems really interesting. I don't know if I have the time's pretty crazy now. Oh, if only time was a little kinder to me.
11:28 am
I have quite the list today. My priority is to get my website/portfolio site and my resumé done by the end of this weekend. I don't exactly know why I bought a site. I'm also not really committed to finishing this site either. Oh, it's also not necessary for me to have a, I'm a glutton for punishment. Shucks.
I just want the school year to be over.
Hm, I think that's going to be my mantra from now until the school year actually ends.
"I just want the school year to be over x10"
Dos Años
1979 is two years old. I know I've been really slow with the updates. But life has been slow as well...
I do have things to say, things to share - possibly relevant too - I just choose not to post them.
I thought a layout change would motivate me to write more.
I suppose I'm wrong again.
Totally Revamped!
There have been a lot of changes to this site. It’s no longer what it originally started - which was just a blog. Ever since harshmercy closed down, I’ve been slowly converting this site into a personal sub-domain. I've come to realize that I don’t want this site to be just a mere venting facility to keep me sane. It's almost two years old so it's gotta be more than that. I’ve also forwarded to this site to just make it more "mine".
I still need to fix a few things. My links page is so outdated - it’s embarrassing. So I’ll work on that. I rewrote the entire about me page. I didn’t write much about myself though, because I don’t really know what to write.
I also added a few things here. For instance, I made a photoblog entitled Captured (which I’m quite exited about) and I added a twitter and flixster badge too, just to give this site a bit more personality.
Because of my hiatus, I wasn’t able to blog about the Heroes season finale. Well here’s my two cents on that: pretty goooood! I’m happy. I really am. I wasn’t satisfied with the Grey’s Anatomy finale so thank God for Heroes!
I can't wait for season two!!!
I need a vacation. I want to go somewhere peaceful. I just want to be alone. I want people to stop harassing me. I want school to stop making me poor. I just want to breathe freely again. That's all I want. Too bad for me, that's never going to happen.
Anyway, second year is over, but I'm taking summer school right now because I didn't take a course during the school year, and I pulled a Kamikaze on one of my exams. Yeah, I had a breakdown and didn't even write an exam. It was no typical episode though: I didn't scream, cry or kick a wall. I froze.
So that's my far, and I hope to God it changes.
Oh, Grey's Anatomy season finale was bad. I hated it. Everything I didn't want to happen, happened. The second part of season 3 was horrible. Time to watch some old school Grey's so that I may actually "relike" the show. On a brighter note, Ugly Betty's season finale was pretty good. Cute, sad and funny.
But then, I got sick.
I think I got too excited with the snow cause I jumped right in there. My childishness took a toll on my health, but wadahey, it was worth it.
However, I do somewhat resent the fact that I had to miss a week of school. Did I miss a lot? Yes. A whole lot. Now, it's catch up time.
I'm feeling sick again.
OT: Making a new layout =) Super fun.
New Domain!
I bought and have forwarded it to (just for the time being). So if you visit my new domain, you'll end up here again. Exciting, ain't it?
Anyway, if you're reading this and you happened to have under your links page, please change it to
And if someone is generous enough to host my site for free, then be my guest. I'll love you forever.
That'll be all.
Labels: site
Bored of the Do
Well, I will spend my day figuring out what it is I want exactly. On a brighter note, I started a film site yesterday and hopefully, I will be able to launch that soon to the public. Also, I'm thinking of buying a domain (again) maybe in a couple of weeks. Maybe. Still thinking of a good name.
I watched the extended version of LOTR The Return of the King last night. It was five ours long too. That's like five and a half episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Just saying.
Labels: site
New Do
The site has not been completely revamped and I don't normally launch a new layout if it's not 100% done. But I felt really eager to see how this layout would turn out, so I uploaded it. That and I really had nothing better planned today.
As you can see, the flickr stuff are messed up and so's the sidebar beside it. I need to modify the CSS and complete the contacts page. Almost done, almost done. 75% done. I'll try to finish it tomorrow.
Since I lacked one heck of a plan to spend my day productively, I ended up watching eight episodes of Meteor Garden II. Man, the story is soooo predictable, but I'm still hooked. I have no life. Ha! What else is new?
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