

Hello There People

I haven't touched this blog for quite some time. To be downright honest, I've lost all inspirations to write something. My brain seems to be pickled by trans fat and my fingers attacked by arthritis. There are other reasons as to why my staying away from this blog occurred: everything is going down the drain. Not for me though, but for those people surrounding me. Everything is changing, and I'm forced to go with the flow.

I'll be starting a whole new school year next week. I’ll be entering the second year of postsecondary torture. I’m mighty and oddly excited. Who isn't?

By the way, I got another haircut. This time, photos will not be posted because I hate the haircut.

31 August, 2006 | Dee said something at 10:05 AM

Anonymous mo said...

oh man, I got a haircut too. I asked for 2" removed but it somehow got translated to 4". And keep looking up, no matter how hard the circumstance. very cliche but just keep a positive outlook. Oh, u might have already heard but steve corwin got stung to death. oh man.

3:17 PM

Anonymous mo said...

oh man, I got a haircut too. I asked for 2" removed but it somehow got translated to 4". And keep looking up, no matter how hard the circumstance. very cliche but just keep a positive outlook. Oh, u might have already heard but steve irwin got stung to death. oh man.

3:18 PM

Anonymous Omi said...

I hope things start looking up for the people around you. Good luck on the new schoolyear too!

8:24 PM

Blogger ellie said...

Bad haircuts=hit with "s" at the front.

I'm trying not to cuss.

Cliche-ish or not, it'll grow. But it'll take a long while. Anyway, hope everything's okay at school!

2:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


When will i ever see u again? =S
Did u have a bday bash?? Happy belated Bday...sorry for the lateness. My wishes fo yo, is to never lose your koo! u shall always be my a way that u somehow think of something unique that i could never think of. May u have more birthdays to come. ^-^

I'm here until Oct. 26th


P.S. pick a place for our reunion:
- New Jersey?
- Philly?
- Baltimore?
- Washinton DC?
- Maryland?
... coz these are the place that me and Manu are close to =D

11:52 PM


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