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However, I still miss my old job. That was the best, and the people were the greatest. No workplace can every top the old job. Sigh. Hopefully this current work will come close to stealing the title, but then again, hopefully not...
Well, I'll give this current job the trophy for the best interview ever! The manager didn't ask me any questions personally. Instead, he gave me 27 questions, asked me to pick the ones that I wanted to answer, write my answers down below the questions and then just give the sheets to him when I'm done. That was awesome, I didn't even have to talk and stutter like a dimwit.
Oh, and it didn't rain tonight. Last night, the rain almost got me sick. I had to go to the dollar store five minutes before it closed to buy an umbrella, then I realized I didn't have cash...So I had to use my debit to pay for my one dollar umbrella that I would probably never use again. The weatherperson lied to me. Light shower? Maybe in Asia.
Rainy Day
I hate waking up in the morning and there's no sun to brighten my day.
I hate going somewhere and it's raining.
I hate it when I'm walking outside, and it begins to rain.
I hate how gloomy it feels when it rains.
It's raining today.
Happy Birthday Homefry...
Patience is a Virtue I Do Not Have
Normally, I wouldn't care. I've learned to accept certain things. But if I've worked hard to get that "something" and I don't get it at the end of the day, I get pretty upset...
And because I don't understand why stupid things happen to me during unwanted times, I do stupid things in return. It's my way of expressing that I'm angry, and rebellious...but overall irrational...
After that's done, I just sit back, and forget about everything and everyone. Completely letting go of whatever it is I believed in and enjoying myself as a nonchalant dumbbell.
Then I get what I want. Unexpectedly.
Hmm...Boy, do I feel stupid.
What time is it?
Now, my next project is to work on this blog site, create skins for it, and to also validate it. The workload is going to be a pain, seeing how many errors this site has, but I have all the time in the world!
Happy Father's Day and Happy B-Day Sir Paul McCartney
Everybody! He's finally 64! Forty years ago, Paul wrote a song entitled When I'm Sixty-four, the 9th track on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. It's ought to be a jolly, cute song...but now that he's going through a divorce, and his first wife dead...I don't think the song is as sweet anymore.
Don't worry Paul, I still LURVE you! Happy BDAY!
When I get older losing my hair, many years from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine, birthday greeting, bottle of wine
If I'd been out till quarter to three, would you lock the door,
Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty-four,
You'll be older too, and if you say the word, I could stay with you
I could be handy mending a fuse, when your light have gone
You can knit a sweater by the fireside, Sunday mornings, go for a ride
Doing the garden, digging the weeds, who could ask for more
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four
Every summer we can rent a cottage on the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear
We shall scrimp and save, grandchildren on your knee, Vera, Chuck, and Dave
Send me a postcard, drop me a line, stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say, yours sincerely wasting away
Give me your answer, fill in a form, mine forever more
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four.
Goodbye Lebar,
Mr. Lebar is one of the best teachers in Xavier and possibly the wisest. For me, he's the perfect teacher because he knows how to teach well and more importantly, he knows how to be a friend. I would come to him for advice and I'd give him my undivided attention. Many students did as well. I truly appreciate him because he's a God-fearing man with such a good soul and he never compromised his faith. His presence will first intimidate you, but the more time you spend with him, the more you'll realize that he's not at all scary. As a matter of fact, he's a father-figure who was respected by all.
I feel extremely blessed to be taught by such a great man. I guess I'm just really sad because my sister, who I forced to take Philosophy next year because of Lebar, won't be able to experience what I've experienced. It's definitely a loss for Xavier.
The world needs more Lebar!
Well, I could only wish him the best and for God's blessing on his future endeavours.
He will be greatly missed.
Flixster is awesome! I get to rate movies that I love and hate and feel really good about it. Y'all should sign up whether you are movie-lover or not. It's a great way to kill time.
About, I've created another layout for it yesterday because the previous ones just didn't work. I must have attempted three times with this reconstruction. But I think we have a winner. I might launch the new look either tomorrow afternoon, or the day after that.
I've finally validated the site and it looks good (well, to me it does). It was a challenge, but it was all worth it. I can't wait to release this new version!
All right, I'm out!

No more "hoboness."

Yes, my hair was that long. I got about 8-10 inches chopped off.

Finally! I can brush my hair without shedding a whole pom-pom.
Gah! I hate my hair long! I would have had that blasted haircut a longgg time ago, but my mother and sister liked my long hair. So I kept it to make those two happy. Heh, their time is up. It's my turn to be happy.
Before I got my haircut, I couldn't brush my hair, I couldn't run my fingers through it, and sometimes, I couldn't see anything. I shed like a dog and when my hair is tied up in a bun I feel like there's an anvil at the back of my head. I don't think I've ever had my hair that long and I'm not planning to break the record. Long hair+me = disgusting!
Well, Well, Well
Ok, so the family decided to opt out of the traditional mouse trap and use the glue trap instead. My dad bought two different kinds: one from the dollar store, and a supposedly stronger one from Wal Mart. We tested the dollar store glue trap first, and in less than two hours, the rat was caught:

Anyway, here's a picture of that poor rat.

Yes, it looks so helpless...blah...blah...blah...blah! Of course it's helpless! It's dead! That thing almost scared the life out of me. If it was a mouse, then I'd feel bad, but it's a rat! A disgusting, dirty rat!
Well, I can finally sleep well tonight.
June Already?
This sucks. I usually don't complain about being stuck at home, doing nothing, not earning money, and cutting myself off from society - yes, I didn't mind those at all. But for some odd reason, I feel like the biggest loser in Mississauga and am starting to mind now. I just need to go out, earn money, talk to people and not submerge myself in some pretty useless stuff.
I yearn for a conversation with another person, a face-to-face one. I don't even care anymore if the person has an I.Q. of 5, because my I.Q. might have dropped to that as well. Unfortunately, the only person I've been having meaty conversations with is myself, and trust me, it's not so fun.
I feel like I’m stuck in limbo. I want to go out and hang out with people, but everyone is busy. I want to go out and buy something, but I have no money. I...baah! I need a life. I need a real life, and not a virtual one.
I want to go back to school...
On a brighter note, the layout for Harsh Mercy is almost done.
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