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We always want something, but by the moment we get it, we immediately want something else. Always moving forward, and never stopping to show some gratitude.
We only decide to stop when our so-called lifetime goal is reached. We look at our prize and ask ourselves: Where do I go now? What was the point of this?
Nowhere. Nothing.
We start to walk backwards, and once again see the little blessings we received, and belittled.
Sadly, by the time we make a decision to devote our life to appreciate them all…it’s too late.
What a waste of dream.
A Minority Conservative Government
Anyway, Canada is a great country no matter who the Prime Minister is. It’s just filled with many ungrateful, pessimistic, apathetic fools who think that their “rights” are right. The very people who live in this country are the ones who are going to destroy it. Bunch of spoiled brats. They need to step out of Canada once in a while just to see how great of a counrty it is.
Illustration Friday: Cats

Introducing Mr. Monster Roundhouse-kick Cat!
If Chuck Norris had a cat, it would be this one and he would name it Denver. Just because...
Oy Vey!
Ok, enough of that.
School is, well, a school. And the word “school” is something to be feared, at least by me anyway. I have six courses this semester, which just makes me a bigger loser than I already was before. All the major assignments and labs are due practically on the same day. I just realized that on the 17th of February, I have at least three important things to hand in, plus a mid-term. It sounds awesome.
Now, for the random part:
1) Vanessa and her boy-toy are getting a bit chummy in the school cafeteria. Vanessa dear, grade nines are watching.

2) I’m so sorry Cat. Don't worry, I’ll kill Clay Aiken when I find the time to.
3) King enjoyed watching Mr. Crazy Half-Nakey Santa flex! Hehe…I know I did.
Because it hurts me...
The second troubling part about starting a new semester is opening the freshly bought books. It’s quite painful to hear the book creaks, really painful. So painful that it became a hindrance to studying. I bought this Management book last week, paid 140 bucks for it, and I haven’t opened it since. Honestly, I didn’t pay 140 dollars to hear it creak. It breaks my heart. But I know that I’m going to have to ‘devirginize’ that book soon, and then rape it with highlighters. Textbooks are my prostitutes; I paid lots of money to hurt it.
Oh, and for the record, I like raping my books…with highlighters and Post-its.
The end.
Introducing Thom Gimken
Exhibit A:

EDIT: Also, I never figured out why people were lying on the sidewalk...Oh well. I think it's better for the ending to remain a mystery. Besides, that's what made Just such an interesting video.
Who's Your Daddy?!
If there is one thing you should really know about me, it should be my love for celebrity junk – gossip! I’m always up-to-date with this stupidity making me one very dependable garbage collector. Normally, I wouldn’t even blog about celebrities. I think it’s a waste of time, really. I just like reading stories about their miserable life to make mine look better. However, this Angelina-Brad Pitt thing is just worthy of all the blog time in the world, and I dare to join the bandwagon. So here it is:

You can guess who the daddy is. Yeah, that’s right, Mr. Pretty Boy.
I fear that their first biological child will be retarded. Two very good-looking people mating will result in an uncontrollable mojo transfer to the fetus. It’s too much for the baby, have mercy! You need to have at least one pretty ugly parent to create a decent looking child. So if you say that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are ugly, then you must be Stevie Wonder.
Anyway, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are very selfish people. They should have married someone ugly to give hope for the rest of the world, that’s the most humane thing you can do…next to adopting babies.
So the big question is: Why did I even bother writing about these two? The answer is quite simple. For the first time in my celebrity junk indulgence, I envy the celebrities who are supposed to make me feel better. That's why.
Well...It’s Gilmore Girls time!
That's the word on the street
You know what else I watched? Gilmore Girls! What is a day-off without Gilmore Girls? A Sunday…or a very stupid, wasted day! I’m hooked. I admit it. I even had to alter my schedule so that I can come home early and just in time for the show. However, Thursday is useless, just can’t do anything about that day. Those darn labs should have been lectures, more reason to skip the class. Hmm…sounds like last semester when I skipped 10 lectures of GRA 103 for American’s Next Top Model. I just love my sense of reasoning – television over education.
Back to Gilmore Girls, I feel like Rory is the female Samson. Seriously, after the producers decided to chop her hair off, she became stupider. By the way, this is not the new season and Rory’s haircut is old news, I just have a problem with letting go of this…change. Rory, Rory, Rory…never cut your hair again!
I get too excited. I better I shut up now.
Although, I must point out that the first half of the year was all right. People were good, school’s ok…I thought 2005 was going to be a pretty good year for me. I thought wrong. It was a year of changes. Either people decide to change, or unplanned to die. Things changed. Making the second half of the year pretty stupid and unworthy of blog time. With that said, I shall rant no more.
Hopefully y’all will have a happy 2006. I hope I do.
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