![]() |
372 p./4464 pt.
Is my height.
That's what I learned in semester one. Hopefully, I passed the exams. They were...challenging, very challenging.
Anyway, I got a haircut and made three cards today. Uh-huh, I'm a crafter in style. I also watched a few episodes of Mr. Bean(definitely missed Beany and Teddy) and Team America World Police(such a weird movie, but entertaining). Green still rocks and my myspace has finally been 'beautified'. According to Cesca Poo, it needed to be sprinkled with a pinch of sugar and possibly pepper. I think, I did just that.
To end this very random post, I shall let you all know that Magical Mystery Tour is haunting me.
That's what I learned in semester one. Hopefully, I passed the exams. They were...challenging, very challenging.
Anyway, I got a haircut and made three cards today. Uh-huh, I'm a crafter in style. I also watched a few episodes of Mr. Bean(definitely missed Beany and Teddy) and Team America World Police(such a weird movie, but entertaining). Green still rocks and my myspace has finally been 'beautified'. According to Cesca Poo, it needed to be sprinkled with a pinch of sugar and possibly pepper. I think, I did just that.
To end this very random post, I shall let you all know that Magical Mystery Tour is haunting me.
17 December, 2005 | Dee said something at 12:41 AM
GRA 102's Silver Hammer
Will come down upon your head, and make sure you are dead.
Last exam = Hey Denise! You're gonna die! It's going to kill your reality and make sure you go with your reverie.
All right.
Last exam = Hey Denise! You're gonna die! It's going to kill your reality and make sure you go with your reverie.
All right.
14 December, 2005 | Dee said something at 10:39 PM
OK! GCM is insane! If I fail one exam, I basically fail all my courses! BAAHHH!
My brain is totally fried. I have one more exam to go, and unfortunately, it’s the most difficult course of them all, Layout and Typography. I don’t even want to think about it right now…the thought alone is too painful.
Anyway, today’s exam was quite interesting. Who knew Marketing could be such a pain? I was all pumped up, ready to do the exam thinking it was going to be easy, but of course, I was being foolish. That stupid exam was 33 pages long, and the questions were trickier than I expected. Let’s just say, I resorted to the I-like-this-letter-better-than-that-one-so-I’m-going-to-shade-that-one-in technique. Yup, failure over here!
If all my exams were like the one I had for Politics and Film, I would be happy as a peacock.
My brain is totally fried. I have one more exam to go, and unfortunately, it’s the most difficult course of them all, Layout and Typography. I don’t even want to think about it right now…the thought alone is too painful.
Anyway, today’s exam was quite interesting. Who knew Marketing could be such a pain? I was all pumped up, ready to do the exam thinking it was going to be easy, but of course, I was being foolish. That stupid exam was 33 pages long, and the questions were trickier than I expected. Let’s just say, I resorted to the I-like-this-letter-better-than-that-one-so-I’m-going-to-shade-that-one-in technique. Yup, failure over here!
If all my exams were like the one I had for Politics and Film, I would be happy as a peacock.
13 December, 2005 | Dee said something at 2:35 PM
Two Years
Harshmercy is finally two years old. I vividly remember the day when I bought that boredom medicine of mine. It was a day to remember. My father was enjoying his Raptors’ game (it was the year when the Raptors were still a pretty notable team), when I suddenly popped out of the corner asking him for his credit card. He didn’t really wonder why I wanted that evil piece of plastic, but I told him anyway. Yeah, I know, I was spared with some explaining, and a normal kid would just walk away and proceed with the payment. However, I felt that I owe my father at least a line of reason as to why I wanted his card, and so I told him, “I’m buying a site.” Then father replied with, “ok…” After he nodded, I bought the site right away. The funny thing is, my father still wonders until know what those seven-buck charges are for that is listed on his Master Card bill every month. Heh.
My friendster account is also two years old. There’s nothing to really celebrate because I’m not even an active member. I just found it appropriate to note its oldness along with Harshmercy’s. They were created on the same year. These online sites of mine are my babies. Pathetic? Very. Anyway, I owe it all to friendster, because my friend’s theory about me knowing only 18 Filipinos has been disproved. I know 19. Also, because friendster is mainly consisted of avid Filipino web surfers, I was exposed to too many Tagalog entries. I tried to read them all, and boy, was I frustrated! I realized that I couldn’t read and understand so many words. I felt disgusted. I promised my grandparents that I would never forget my language. But there I was, struggling to even read a sentence. Heh, promises are meant to be broken anyway.
Honestly though, if I forget how to speak Tagalog, I would hate myself. I am already beginning to. I hope in two years, I’ll be able to still read some words, at least three words…that will do.
My friendster account is also two years old. There’s nothing to really celebrate because I’m not even an active member. I just found it appropriate to note its oldness along with Harshmercy’s. They were created on the same year. These online sites of mine are my babies. Pathetic? Very. Anyway, I owe it all to friendster, because my friend’s theory about me knowing only 18 Filipinos has been disproved. I know 19. Also, because friendster is mainly consisted of avid Filipino web surfers, I was exposed to too many Tagalog entries. I tried to read them all, and boy, was I frustrated! I realized that I couldn’t read and understand so many words. I felt disgusted. I promised my grandparents that I would never forget my language. But there I was, struggling to even read a sentence. Heh, promises are meant to be broken anyway.
Honestly though, if I forget how to speak Tagalog, I would hate myself. I am already beginning to. I hope in two years, I’ll be able to still read some words, at least three words…that will do.
10 December, 2005 | Dee said something at 1:44 AM
Let it Snow with HI-RO
Well, snow is raping Mississauga right now. I’m not exactly sure why I’m still awake, or how I’m able to stay awake. I’ll solve these mysteries later. For now though, focus your eyes upon this eye candy that I just took a couple of minutes ago. Yeah, don’t you just wish the Pacific’s like this too? You do? You're crazy.

Anyway, I got addicted to the stupidest online game ever. It’s called Maple Story. I’m not exactly sure why it’s called that, because there’s no maple, or a story about a maple, or a story about anything at all – nada. But here I am at 3 am still awake thinking if whether I should reconnect again to the server even though it has repeatedly kicked me out like ten times already. Maybe I shouldn’t, maybe I should, maybe I’m indecisive, and maybe I’m bipolar.
By the way, I figured out what’s keeping me awake. Since I’m a human being and I need fuel to go on, I consume the weirdest edible product that I can find in the comfort of my kitchen cupboards. So searching through the unhealthy garbage we have here, I found HI-RO. I could feel the laughter in me waiting to be released. Wait here for a sec., I must laugh *Denise turns the swivel chair around and laughs so hard it sounds like she’s crying*, ok, I’m back. So, about HI-RO, it’s the Philippines version of Oreo, and it’s quite interesting how these people managed to copy both the product, and the typeface of the brand (see Figure 1.1 and compare it to Figure 1.2). I give you all permission to laugh - I beg you to laugh.
Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2

Anyway, I’ll be back with more weird Filipino products. But I must tell you, even though they’re ripped-off from the Western World, they taste pretty good. Well, I think so. My unbiased tongue says so.
The next food product that I'll be writing about will surely make you wonder what goes on in that little country…and what inspired the name of the product.
Heh, this has definitely been one random entry. I bet in eight hours, I won't remember writing here at all. I'm really sleepy, but I refuse to sleep because I'm a rebel like that.

Anyway, I got addicted to the stupidest online game ever. It’s called Maple Story. I’m not exactly sure why it’s called that, because there’s no maple, or a story about a maple, or a story about anything at all – nada. But here I am at 3 am still awake thinking if whether I should reconnect again to the server even though it has repeatedly kicked me out like ten times already. Maybe I shouldn’t, maybe I should, maybe I’m indecisive, and maybe I’m bipolar.
By the way, I figured out what’s keeping me awake. Since I’m a human being and I need fuel to go on, I consume the weirdest edible product that I can find in the comfort of my kitchen cupboards. So searching through the unhealthy garbage we have here, I found HI-RO. I could feel the laughter in me waiting to be released. Wait here for a sec., I must laugh *Denise turns the swivel chair around and laughs so hard it sounds like she’s crying*, ok, I’m back. So, about HI-RO, it’s the Philippines version of Oreo, and it’s quite interesting how these people managed to copy both the product, and the typeface of the brand (see Figure 1.1 and compare it to Figure 1.2). I give you all permission to laugh - I beg you to laugh.
Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2

Anyway, I’ll be back with more weird Filipino products. But I must tell you, even though they’re ripped-off from the Western World, they taste pretty good. Well, I think so. My unbiased tongue says so.
The next food product that I'll be writing about will surely make you wonder what goes on in that little country…and what inspired the name of the product.
Heh, this has definitely been one random entry. I bet in eight hours, I won't remember writing here at all. I'm really sleepy, but I refuse to sleep because I'm a rebel like that.
09 December, 2005 | Dee said something at 3:32 AM
Here I am...
Light of the World
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes
Let me see
Beauty that made
This heart adore You
Hope of a life
Spent with You
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
King of all days
Oh, so highly exalted
Glorious in Heaven above
Humbly You came
To the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes
Let me see
Beauty that made
This heart adore You
Hope of a life
Spent with You
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
King of all days
Oh, so highly exalted
Glorious in Heaven above
Humbly You came
To the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
08 December, 2005 | Dee said something at 7:03 PM
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